The RCCG Canada WIM is a national Women’s Ministry established with a vision to reach out, build, empower and edify women in RCCG and in the surrounding communities where the ministry exists; by so doing these women would be able to fulfill their God-given purpose.This ministry is strategically positioned to be able to utilize and harness all talents, gifts and resources to build up women in the body of Christ.
Our vision is to change the lives of women and transform women in the communities where RCCG is located.
Our objectivs are:
- Improve relationship with the RCCG Communities
- Transform Leadership
- Increase the involvement of Parish Pastors’ wives and female Parish Pastors;
- An Annual Zonal Women’s Conference
- An Annual Leadership Retreat
- Active participation in the RCCG National Convention
- Establish yearly spiritual goals
- Establish prayer and counselling support
- Effective Communication and Information to all women
What the Women In Ministry Canada stands for
Reach – Range of effective action, power, or capacity – WIM Canada seeks to help female ministers reach out to their full potential to transform self, ministry and family;Connect – to join, link, or fasten together, unite or bind to establish communication between, to cause to be associated with – WIM Canada seeks to help female ministers develop closer connection to God and other women;
Encourage – to give support, confidence, or hope to (someone): WIM Canada seeks to give intellectual and emotional support to female ministers, thereby providing needed tools to impact churches and world around